It’s a curious thing about Tokyo, that alongside all the mod-cons imaginable, and then some, are traditional everyday goods that are quite often handmade and at first glance, appear to be humble and perhaps even primitive. Brooms are a clear example of this.
These types of Japanese brooms are made of mainly natural materials. Specific tree barks, reeds and other plant fibres are bound together with practiced deftness that speak of generations of experience and know-how. It’s interesting to me that these are the most common outdoor broom that I see here in Tokyo. In a country that offers a huge amount of options for almost every conceivable consumable, that must mean something. They are really really good for their purpose. It’s nice to see a modern instance where traditional goods are the super ordinary preference in life.
Submissions from our friends...
This observation was sent to us by @kinkicycle at local shrine in Nara, Japan.
We really like this unintentional display of brooms. They rakes caught our eye, too!
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