We really like the stripes on this photo. Deceptively simple, it’s very much a case of the more you look; the more you realise. The stripes and shadows from the textural folds of the corrugated iron sheeting, the shadows of the cables - the reflection in the window!
This photo was sent to us by @ihendersuk (Instagram) and was taken in Kyoto in 2015. in his own words”
“At first, it was the deep red colour that caught my attention; but the more I looked the more I saw lines – and stripes – cutting across each other in all directions.”
Thank you for sharing this memory with us, Ian.
Find Ian on Instagram: Instagram: @ihendersuk
Aside from the beautiful stripes, this also appeals to our love for corrugated iron. Or as Japanese call it; “totan”. If you are interested, wrote about it previously here.