Notice More : It's a Wrap!

Tucked down a side street in busy Covent Garden, we walked into this sight. 

Prior to seeing this. I would never have guessed at how pleased the sight of peachy pink vinyl covered shop windows would make me. I would also not have guessed that I would shamelessly stand there staring before approaching to touch the air bubbles and creases that were so alluringly tactile in that moment. 

Super Ordinary Life Pink Wrap 2.jpg
Super Ordinary Life Pink Vinyl Covent Garden 2.jpg

The wrapping has a more practical purpose than to dazzle the likes of us, and that is to conceal the building works for the new establishment taking shape inside. But, I have no doubt that the owners chose this clever hue because of its appeal. An appeal that has found its way to Instagram and has since prompted the owners to stick some branding on it. 

There is an element of "accidental art" here. It's right there in the creases and air bubbles. They just cannot be planned or replicated can they? Another thing that makes this sight special to me, is that it is temporary. I am sure the workers inside are racing towards a deadline and that the owners can't wait to peel this off and welcome paying customers in. But that is the beauty of noticing more in our city streets, what we see now, will vanish soon enough and all that I will have to show for it, is my memory of how happy the sight made me and these candid photos.